Transport, warehousing, and logistics with Europe right outside the door

Dansk Transport Kompagni A/S (DTK), founded in 1991, is located in Padborg Transport Centre directly at the E45, so one has the whole of Europe right outside the door. It is the mission for the approx. 90 employees that DTK carries out high-quality international transports, and solves warehouse and logistics related tasks, so the company can deliver comprehensive solutions to its customers.

For 10 years, DTK has worked with the actuator manufacturer Linak A/S, which has a global network of customers. As a result of an expansion in this collaboration, DTK wanted a thorough optimization and utilization of existing and new storage facilities in Padborg. .

Logi Systems was chosen as a consultant and partner for the development of effective solutions and optimizations, among other things for the 7,000 square meter area covering Linak’s activities at DTK in Padborg.

The optimizations and streamlining of the storage facilities, which Logi Systems has undertaken through the integrated collaboration with DTK, will largely ensure that DTK as a 3 PL supplier can honour Linak’s current requirements and the company’s continued growth. Thus, after the process, the warehouse is well equipped for goods receipt and many shipments. The capacity and flexibility has increased quite substantially so that the frequent product flows can be handled efficiently and safely, with great regard for economy and working environment – all in line with Linak’s expectations for cooperation with a modern 3 PL supplier.